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Flight Cancellations

Cancel your flight

If something unexpected has happened and you are unable to travel, you can cancel your flight by filling out the service request form here.

If you purchased the cancellation protection and want to use it to cancel your flight, we will refund the whole booking except the fee for the cancellation protection, as long as you send us the required documents within 7 days of your scheduled departure flight.

You can read more about the cancellation protection here

In case you did not purchase cancellation protection, we can only refund the airport taxes of your booking.

Booked a flight to/from the United States?

We will provide a full refund for flights to and from the U.S. if you choose to cancel the booking within 24 hours of purchase, provided that the booking is made at least 7 days prior to travel and paid in USD currency.


If your booking was made through a travel agency, or another booking source, you must contact your point of purchase directly for a refund.

How do I cancel a flight to/from USA trough MyPLAY?

You can cancel the booking through your MyPLAY account within 24 hours.

Click on Manage booking.

The message „cancellation and refund of booking is available for 24 hours“ should appear. Click on cancel and refund booking.


Please note that the booking can only be cancelled for all passengers in the booking. Then click on “cancel and refund booking” again.

The message “are you sure you want to cancel your booking?” should appear. Click on “Yes. Cancel my booking”

You have now cancelled your booking. Please note that the refund should be visible on your account within 3 to 5 business days, depending on your financial institution‘s policy.